Friday, October 27, 2017

THIRD WEEK. Raining is coming! arrived! And all this week we stayed inside the kindergarten to be ready for the big show for parents! (They are really good singer and actors/actresses :) ) But of course for each volonteer the week was different, and we'll show you how:


  sometimes you can become... a chameleon or Spiderman!

Halloween decoration: black cat (made with paper plates)

Scary ghost (but always with a smile)

Skeleton (made with plastic straws)

.... well done kids!!


Jesien...Jesien! Concert for parents!


Treater visited the kindergarden!

Presentation about Belarus! A lot of questions!


This week was really funny! On thursday came a teather group were they shown a tipical fairy tail play. The pupil's faces are the best. Let's watch it for a bit!

The children liked it a lot, you just have to watch to them faces :O

This week was the Amelia birthday! We ate some sweets :P.  Sto Lat!!

I tried a tipical polich dish: pasta with caramel apple.

We did not know what to play, so we invented a mini basket ball! They won me :/

In here we are mixing flavour, water and glue to make little animals with our hands. I made a bee!

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