Mr Snow is here again, wich children love it. Maybe for volunteers (specially from Canaries) does not like that much because of the coldness, but it is true that when you play with snow it does not matter your age ;)
Let's see what we have done:
Here we were playing "ping pong", this helps to develop your mouth and it corrects speach.
We went for a wolk, and of course in the end a snow buttle happend.
Crafting some planes for funn. They were playing al time long with them, and It is sone with regular paper. We can see that for fun everything helps ;)
Result of paper plane
Pinting a paper with some sorprise! If you pint it correctly you will discover a heart on it. Children did and they liked it.
And finally, We got a nice interactive theater performance.
The powerpuff girls are here!
This game was created and designed by our Wojciech!
Little mechanics :)
Julka is writing... a lot!
An activity for developing the conception of space and position of different objects
The Karnival photo all toghether!
Here we're doing an activity based on the black spot on the die, for improving and learning how to count properly
Good night Nikola and Hanna!
Here's come the sun... turududu!
Story time.. słuchajcie!
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