Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Gardering project

One of the greatest traditions of spring is creation of new life, so we (teachers and volunteers) decided to create a new garden in kindergarten’s classes.

In this post we will explain, step by step the process that we followed to plant different kinds of plants. How the children help us or how we help the children and how the plants are growing up.First we can thank our organization STRIM who allowed us to start this project and mostly financed it. 

 With this money we could provide different seeds like: Rzezucha, Owies Wielkanocny, cebula plants, flowers but also some material such as pot (szklarnia) and ground.

To begin, we explain kids (even if a lot of them already knew) what a plant need to grow up and how to take care of it every day. Then, with kids, we put few ground in each pot and we rolled out everywhere with our fingers. It was really funny because some kids had ground on their faces (but not so funny because we had to clean it!!).

After, we gave to each kids, some seeds or 3 cebula plant then they could see closer how little the main factor of a plant is. Delicately they disposed all they had in their hands and we recovered the seeds with another layer of ground. Kids were very proud to have such an important responsibility. Some of them even wanted to add more and more seeds after the last layer of ground.

Finally, some kids, with the help of the watering can, gave water to the plans and we explain them that to not let them ted, they would have to repeat this action every day but also that the plants have to be exposed to the sun on the parapet.

Now, our plants grew up thank to kids who are taking care of them as much as they can. After weekend we are always surprised when we discover the change. Now our classes are full of color and ready to spend a wonderful spring.

See you in the next projects: Maja, Clara Alberto

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