Friday, January 12, 2018


     Welcome to the fisrt week of the Year! At this point we have to start kindergarden with energy, and it was so!
     Let's check out what we have done exactly.


Children after drawing a comic they had to present it at front of everyone

On this picture we can see a castle made by little special papers

At the beginning of we week, Rachele group and mine went together for a bit or P.E. Lessons. They ejoyed a lot, so we decide to do it again (next pictures).

After run and make exercise is always good have a relaxing time, but for this child was too much that he almost fall sleep.

In here, they are making arts and crafts cutting paper

First P.E. session 

Second P.E. session leadered by Fran and Rachele.


We will soon celebrate holiday "Dzień  dziadków!".Children learn songs, dances, prepare invitations to performances for grandparents

The guys in their spare time  do handicrafts and playing


Drawing fireworks!

This week we were preparing the surprises for the Grandmas and Grandpas days :)

                                                               Me with my little helpers

... and with twins! 

Theater company came to visit us!

Friday, January 5, 2018

The first week of January!

Szczęśliwego Nowego Roku!! Wszystkiego najlepszego w Nowym Roku szanowne państwo i ich dzieci!


Lets remember the good moments of the last 3 months

Congratulations Bartek on his Birthday!

All children received a diploma that they draw great picture for the competition

Build a castle

In the castle lived such beautiful princesses and princes

Children made gloves if will be strong  frosts!))

Let this year will be painted with muilticolored palette of good mood!