Friday, December 22, 2017


And here we are! One week before christmas and we can feel it on children, they are exited to get that they.
However we have been "training" them for christmas meanwhile days are passing by. So this is what we have done.


We made some christmas puzzle like this one..

..or some art and crafts like this amazing angel

Singing some spanish carols

We played "parchis" (in spanish) where pupils were practicing numbers and activities

They had a lesson about emotional education where they had to do what the CD player said. It was very funny!

I was teaching alo some animals in spanish and they had to act like them! 

It is time to be scientist! they did some experiments as to ckeck how works electricity from baloons or how hot water can rise a empty baloon.

Friday, December 15, 2017


     On this week differents group started to show to parents christmas songs, and they received gifts. But they are not the only one, also parents got their gifts from children.
And on the other hand, people came to teach chindren how make candles and Lego robot.


Congratulations to our Lenu! Happy birthday!

It's not snowing outside so we desided to make a snowman! who knows, waybe it will give us snow?!

We made Christmas wreaths for parents!
My 4th group played a show for parents 

My 2th group played a show for parents 

And as usually played, discovering  how us magnifying glass!


They were making some snowparson crafts with no common things. Here you can watch a speed video about it:

A candle company came to show us how they made christmas candles and we also made one!

We had the oportunity to play with Lego, in this case with Lego robot. This was the resoult! The had really fun, even much more me! 

And finally, on this picture, they are drowing random things, but the point is that in less than one minute they have to switch paper, so everybody had to draw something on.


Raquele could  not come to kindergarden the last two weeks because she was sick. But here we are the mates to take care of her. Next week she will back to kindergarden full of energy!
Your pupils and us are waiting for you!! ;)

Friday, December 8, 2017

Święty Mikołaj Week!

This week Święty Mikołaj came and give presents to all the children that have been good. However the "pogoda" was no snowing and children are waiting for it. Therefore they did some christmas crafts for having fun and for "calling" the snow. On the other hand Wesoły Uniwersytet visited us.
Without further delay, let's see what we have done this week on pictures.


Is preparing for the Christmas holidays.

Children prepare gifts for their parents, grandparents


Adults decorate a Christmas tree and prepare gifts

Saint Nicholas Day in kindergarten! kiddies received many gifts

"Wesoły Uniwersytet" visited us

Made a heart of clay

As usual play, read and sleep...


As a challenge, I made a snowman (or snowwoman) with some children help. The result was amazing.

The Wesoły Uniwersytet came to talk about birds and how they live

We did some Santa Claus crafts 

Also we are making some decorations class. They had to make a chain, and it was huge.

Święty Mikołaj visited us because pupils were good this year, or that was what children said ;)

Finally, we packaged some gifts for families with needs.

Friday, December 1, 2017


     This week has been snowing a lot! For volunteers like Fran, is so exited because he has not that much snow at his hometown.
     On the other hand, kindergarden started to decorate the classrooms with christmas stuffs and all children helped to do it.
     Let's see how was the week for all of us! =)


We were drowing unicorns and pinting it! we can say that it was a fairy day 

We got a new lego game. In this one has more windows and doors! At least that was what says on instructions.

We did some arts and crafts dor christmas! They had to use some glue and stickers. They had fun a lot.

On Friday we started to make the christmas tree! this is the beggining and almost the end.

Finaly, we took some pictures when the tree was ready :)

This video is a little sample about how fun is ritmic lessons.


The xmas spirit is so strong! And the children are learning songs and the script for the parent's show. Cant wait to see it!

December is arrived but... someone is still asleep!

We can be a cute like a princess, fast as a ghepard or... a chameleon!

Italian lesson!

                                                            Xmas tree in the kindergarten

                                                    And here the artcrafts that we'll prepare with kids... sshhht! Dont say them, it's a surprise! 


Sing the song on the competition

Do interesting experiments

Study...Why do we need water? Draw a useful book!

                             We study our pets!
                             The first  - CAT!